Leaf Compost
Public Works offers a yard waste composting program for residents each spring and fall. Watch for dates and times to be posted on moontwp.com, on Facebook, in the township’s monthly email newsletter, in the quarterly Moon Township Messenger magazine and on the MCA-TV message board. Residents are welcome to drop off yard waste including tree limbs, leaves and plant matter to be composted at the Downes Fire Station located near the intersection of Beaver Grade Road and Ewing Road. Brush should not exceed six feet in length and four inches in diameter and should not be bundled or tied.
Moon Township encourages residents to try composting at home. Composting food and yard waste diverts organic waste from the landfill and creates a rich soil additive for landscaping projects. A home composting guide is available on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection website at www.depweb.state.pa.us.
Home Composting Article.